Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not a good weekend for Hawaii sports

It was looking like a good sports weekend with Wie leading by three strokes after 10 holes. Then came the double bogey at 11th followed by three straight birdies by Stanford. I thought there could be a comeback with the short birdie putt at the 16th but it was not to be. I hope Wie continues to play well this season. Wie will definitely boost the LPGA attendance this year.

Then came the nightcap with UH vs Nevada. UH, up 46-40 with a couple of minutes to play, managed to hand the game to Nevada 47-46. Turnovers and horrible free throw shooting killed them in the end. I'm glad I wasn't at the arena even if it was buy one, get one free date night special.

Achilles Updates - 2/15/09

Healing is going good. I've been in the walking boot for about three weeks now. At first it was hard to walk in the boot because I couldn't flex my ankle. It has gotten alot easier since then. Last week, I even started driving my car which is stick shift! Pushing the clutch in was harder than I thought but my foot got stronger after a couple of days of driving. I heard that if I got into an accident,even if it's not my fault, I would be liable because of my walking boot so I throw it in the back seat. Dunno if that'll make a diff. I just have one more week to go now before I can take my boot off officially. I just want to get the rehab started.

The Big Jabawockee!